Texas Aircraft Archives - Plane & Pilot Magazine https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/tag/texas-aircraft/ The Excitement of Personal Aviation & Private Ownership Fri, 08 Sep 2023 13:20:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 Opening Day at the Midwest LSA Expo https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/opening-day-at-the-midwest-lsa-expo Fri, 08 Sep 2023 13:20:37 +0000 https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/?p=628085 One sure way to know if a show works is to observe vendor participation over a number of years. As this is my 14th year attending the Midwest LSA Expo,...

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One sure way to know if a show works is to observe vendor participation over a number of years. As this is my 14th year attending the Midwest LSA Expo, I can tell you that 2023 represents a strong turnout. Companies come back year after year because it works to connect them with interested customers. Both sides end up smiling.

Here is a glimpse of what you can see if you can attend on Friday and Saturday. For those who cannot come, this will provide some taste of what happens in Mount Vernon, Illinois, in early September. Hopefully, you can make it in 2024.

Every vendor highlighted here brought two, three, or even four aircraft to show. That’s very rare, even at EAA AirVenture or Sun ‘n Fun.

What this illustrates is that the Midwest LSA Expo (about an hour’s drive east of St. Louis) has become a standard-bearer in the aviation calendar. Indeed, this is Midwest LSA’s 15th event, tying it with the longest-running prior such show, the Sebring Sport Aviation Expo. After catalyzing these LSA-focused shows, Sebring concluded its 15-year run in 2019.

Congratulations to Chris Collins and his entire team of orange-shirted volunteers! [Dan Johnson]

Who’s Here?

AeroTrek returned after a few years’ absence and it came in force. As of opening day, three aircraft had arrived and two more are expected. In addition, the company showed off its new open trailer ,which looks enormously easier to load and secure so long as you’re not trying to drive all the way across the country. For transportation in a local or regional area, this looks like a great choice with significantly lower costs.

Rob Rollison, the longtime importer of this successful brand of modestly-priced LSA, has long maintained a steady rate of business because his supplier in Europe has maintained an prudent approach to business. This has helped the manufacturer remain very stable but it also means delivery times now reach about one year. Rollison indicated most customers are willing to wait. It was good to see him back in Mt. Vernon with his handsome airplanes and new trailer.

For transportation in a local or regional area, AeroTrek looks like a great choice with significantly lower costs. [Dan Johnson]

Texas Aircraft appeared at Midwest LSA some years back when its Colt LSA was a new entry in the game. Now the company reports it just delivered the first batch of airplanes to a nearby flight school and it is excited about the future of MOSAIC with its new four-seat Stallion model already flying in Brazil.

In some ways, the Texas company, which is directly associated with the Brazilian organization, is ahead of the game because Brazil’s ANAC has already created a very MOSAIC-like regulation with minor differences. Approving that aircraft in its home country should make for a much easier entry to the U.S. market and this Hondo, Texas organization is ready to roll.

Texas Aircraft appeared at Midwest LSA some years back when its Colt LSA was a new entry in the game. [Dan Johnson]

Bristell representative Piston Aviation reports running an active flight school operation. I plan to discuss this further with the company to see how its flight school operates with the LSA of today. In the MOSAIC preamble, the FAA said extra weight was needed to make LSA into viable flight school aircraft, but I think it’s missing that these aircraft are already working well in that environment, assuming good flight school management and properly-qualified instructors. (To be forthright, Piston also operates Piper Cherokees.)

Joe Ord’s company operates at Creve Coeur airport (1H0), Maryland Heights, Missouri, in the St. Louis area. It offers a wide range of flight instruction and lists its prices right on its homepage. You can tell that this company has a sense of style and it had handsome, custom-painted aircraft on display. Again, you see the commitment people make to the Midwest LSA Expo if Piston Aviation will bring aircraft that could be in flight training to display for you at the show.

Bristell representative Piston Aviation reports running an active flight school operation. [Dan Johnson]

Vashon brought two of its Ranger LSAs to Midwest LSA perhaps five years ago, and the company has been back every year since—and it doesn’t come with just a single airplane. I hope you’re starting to get the message that these companies like this show and they don’t come here just to bond with their fellow vendors. They know they will meet people like you. Likewise, people who come to this event tend to be serious and ready to take their aviation interest to the next level.

While Vashon’s prices have risen slightly over the last couple years–along with virtually everything else you buy—they are still affordable to a wide range of pilots, and have particular appeal to some by virtue of the use of a Continental O-200 powerplant. Lots of pilots and mechanics are familiar with that engine and, combined with a new and spacious airframe, the company is finding customers. Clearly, it finds some of them right here in Mt. Vernon, Illinois.

Vashon brought two of its Ranger LSAs to Midwest LSA perhaps five years ago, and the company has been back every year since. [Dan Johnson]

TL Sport Aircraft had two of its four models on display at Mt. Vernon. After a couple of U.S. distributors didn’t work as well as expected, Trey Murdaugh’s company is bringing a more business-like approach. At Midwest LSA, he appropriately had on display a TL-3000 Sirius and an S-4 Sting. The latter (in an earlier model) was the #5 aircraft accepted by the FAA as a Special LSA out of 158 now on our SLSA list.

However, Murdaugh is also nicely positioned for MOSAIC with two other aircraft that did not travel to Mt. Vernon. One is the tandem-seating Stream, which I flew with him after Sun ‘n Fun 2022. That was a fine experience in a beautiful-flying aircraft. I look forward later this year to a flight in the company’s side-by-side MOSAIC-ready entry called Sparker that is the highest-performing of their line. Of course, prices follow capability, so the Sirius or Sting may be the more affordable buy, but this company has got choices for you.

TL Sport Aircraft had two of their four models on display at Mt. Vernon. [Dan Johnson]

Zenith arrived with two of its popular sport pilot-eligible kit aircraft, the Cruzer and Super Duty. Probably most readers are aware that Zenith is the leading kit builder in the light aircraft space (as only one Van’s model can presently qualify as an LSA). This should surprise no one as these aircraft are highly proven, and the manufacturing of Zenith kits has become quite sophisticated under the leadership of Sebastien Heintz.

The Mexico, Missouri-based kit producer also hosts one of the largest events of its kind in the country, in fact, drawing even more people to it than the Midwest LSA Expo. Now in its 32nd year, “Homecoming” is a must-go for any Zenith enthusiast. I’ve never been able to make it because it occurs right after the Midwest LSA event but I hope many of you can and will attend. You can learn a lot at the event plus enjoy the camaraderie of others with similar interests.

Zenith arrived with two of their popular sport pilot-eligible kit aircraft, the Cruzer and Super Duty. [Dan Johnson]

Magni Gyro rep Greg Gremminger brought two gyroplanes, as he often has. Gremminger is one of those regulars that has made every Midwest LSA event, along with a handful of others. It helps that he’s based nearby, but this has proven to be a good event where he can give rampside talks about gyros to people who are interested. He’s done this for years, and every time I’ve seen quite a collection of people listening intently as he describes his rotary-winged aircraft and how they fly.

A couple years ago my wife and I each took a flight with Gremminger, and had a marvelous experience. I’m not qualified to fly gyroplanes solo, but I have learned from some experiences and I see the magic that so many enjoy. Gremminger was one of the original people to fight for 10 years asking the FAA to finally allow fully-built gyroplanes. He didn’t get a yes, but when Roy Beisswenger and I started our advocacy work, we took up the case again. Between Gremminger’s efforts and ours, I’m pleased that we will finally have factory-built gyros available for enthusiasts.

Magni Gyro rep Greg Gremminger brought two gyroplanes, as he often has. [Dan Johnson]

All this and more was available on opening day, despite weather challenges to the east, holding up the arrival of some aircraft. BushCat is expecting two aircraft, as is Jabiru. What I believe this list shows is that these companies are all willing to spend the money and take the time to bring multiple aircraft to the Midwest LSA Expo. One of the main reasons the show is popular and successful is the great ease of getting a demo flight in an airplane. Get on the schedule and when it’s your turn, it takes literally a few minutes to get airborne. Marvelous! Plus, entry to the show and parking are FREE.

MOSAIC and More

I will have more on other aircraft that are at the show and other activities that I observe. In addition, the whole place is buzzing with talk of MOSAIC, as you might expect a month and change after the FAA dropped its new proposed regulation on the U.S.

These members of Midwest LSA Expo’s orange shirt brigade worked to keep flight demo operations humming and safe. Thanks to all the orange shirters!

I look forward to the question-and-answer session at the end of my two talks (Friday and Saturday at 11 a.m. Central). I’m pleased to give out what I believe is good information on the new proposed rule, but the most valuable interplay comes from pilots expressing their concerns and opinions. If you’re in the area, please join us. If you can’t make it. I will plan to record it and I’ll get the video up as soon as I can.

[Dan Johnson]

Stay tuned for more from the Midwest LSA Expo 2023!

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Montaer’s MC-04 and Texas Aircraft’s Stallion https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/montaer-mc-04-and-texas-aircraft-stallion Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:03:15 +0000 https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/?p=628030 Is this an exciting time for aviation? Have you been one of the many pilots anticipating MOSAIC and the promise it brings for more capable aircraft? The new proposal is...

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Is this an exciting time for aviation? Have you been one of the many pilots anticipating MOSAIC and the promise it brings for more capable aircraft? The new proposal is loaded with ideas we requested.

As with the SP/LSA rule of nineteen years ago, these features of MOSAIC are stimulating all sorts of expectations …but also some worry.

One concern is that new four-seat mLSA with all the bells and whistles will be expensive. Well, they will be, compared to current-day LSA. Yet they will still be half the price of a roughly comparable Part 23-certified aircraft. They will also perform better while using less fuel. Plus, they will be new and nicely equipped with the latest in digital instrumentation.

Until MOSAIC — companies that produced LSA but wanted to build larger aircraft had to go the route Tecnam chose for its P2010, meaning full Part 23-level certification. New competitors may give those predecessors a run for their money.

Contrasting that is an entire fleet of legacy GA airplanes that many pilots have been yearning to fly using a sport pilot certificate (or using the no-medical feature of sport pilot with the higher FAA ticket). These include such as the Cessna 150, 172 and even some 182s, plus a raft of other airplanes, many of which can be bought well used for half the price of a new present-day LSA. You won’t get a modern airplane, but if it fits your budget and it gets you in the air, that’s good!

Additionally, present-day LSA need do nothing to maintain all their present privileges. As such they should hold the line on prices fairly well although everything manufacturers buy (as for you and me) has gone up a lot in the last three years.

Stallion Four Seater

After successfully launching its Colt 100 Special LSA, Texas Aircraft is underway with its new four-seat Stallion.


Now that FAA has released its MOSAIC NPRM, the American agency is catching up with Brazil’s ANAC, which already published a similar regulation RBAC 01, stating that light sport aircraft can have a maximum takeoff weight of up to 3,000 pounds (1,361 kilograms) for land aircraft and a maximum stall speed without flaps of 61 KCAS. Americans may note the stall parameter is different from MOSAIC: 61 vs. 54 knots. As the Stallion remains in development, Texas Aircraft could modify the design to fit MOSAIC. Stallion presently lists 58 KIAS clean stall.

Planning for the regulation expansion but realizing this remains well over a year off, Texas Aircraft partnered with sister company in Brazil, Inpaer, to launch a kit for individual construction based on a 200 horsepower Lycoming engine. A second kit, but for the 260 horsepower engine, is in the final stages of construction.

Already flying in Brazil is Texas Aircraft’s Stallion four seater.


“With the publication of the regulation for the new light sport aircraft category, Texas/Inpaer registered the Stallion with the Brazilian authorities for its acceptance within the rules for Light Sport Aircraft,” reported the company. Construction of the first prototype has already begun.

Research and development flights are part of the “project validation phase and data collection for the production of the required documentation for a special light sport aircraft in compliance with the ASTM standard.”

“The Texas Group’s expectation is that the Stallion will be classified as a Light Sport Aircraft in Brazil in mid-2024,” released the company. “After the publication of the MOSAIC rule, the certification process will also be started with the American authorities.”

For more information: Texas Aircraft is based in Hondo, Texas; email the U.S. company or call 830-423-2067.

Texas Aircraft Stallion

All information supplied by the manufacturer

  • Description — Single-engine, high-wing, tricycle, fixed-gear, 4 seats
  • Construction — aeronautical aluminum, solid rivets, and chrome-molybdenum steel survival cell
  • Maximum Takeoff Weight — 2,866 pounds
  • Empty Weight — 1,653 pounds
  • Fuel Capacity — 79 gallons in 4 fuel tanks
  • Stall Speed, clean — 58 KIAS
  • Stall Speed, best flaps — 52 KIAS
  • Maneuvering Speed — 117 KIAS
  • Cruise Speed — 145 KIAS
  • Max Cruise Speed — 160 KIAS
  • Max Continuous Power Speed — 160 KIAS
  • Never Exceed Speed — 203 KIAS

Montaer’s MC-04

Thanks to its Montaer USA operation, Montaer Aeronaves, became known to Americans in the last couple years after it introduced its MC-01 two-seat but three-door SLSA model.

Montaer’s MC-04 definitely resembles its two-seat sibling, MC-01, representing a worthy expansion of the original.


Right as AirVenure 2023 began, the Brazilian company unveiled its latest work, Montaer MC-04. Building upon the success of the MC-01, which boasted a high grade of craftsmanship and a sophisticated feature set among LSA, the company is reaching higher with MC-04.

Founded in 2013 by Brazilian aeronautical designer, Bruno de Oliveira — who formerly worked with Paradise Aircraft — Montaer Aeronaves developed a reputation for pushing boundaries and embracing innovation. “The integration of advanced IFR equipment and ballistic parachute further reveals Montaer’s commitment to cutting-edge advancements,” said U.S. Montaer representative Shalom Confessor. “With the MC-01 gaining full FAA acceptance as a Special LSA by complying precisely with ASTM standards, Montaer solidified its position.”

“Now, with the advent of FAA’s MOSAIC,” continued Confessor, “MC-04 enters the market as a ‘family-size’ aircraft that boasts a formidable powerplant, the turbocharged Rotax 916iS with 160 horsepower that gives cruising speeds of 132 knots while ranging of 800 nautical miles, and a rate of climb hitting 1,300 feet per minute.”

“Safety remains at the heart of Montaer’s design philosophy; MC-04 is a testament to this unwavering commitment,” said Confessor. “Its all-metal fuselage/wings/tail, welded 4130 molybdenum steel tube passenger safety cell, and solid metal rivets provide a robust structure, ensuring peace of mind during every flight. And for added reassurance, pilots can opt for a ballistic parachute.”

Montaer arrived on the scene with this three-door MC-01 SLSA. It has since been upgraded with the Rotax 915iS.


MC-04’s cockpit features twin, large Garmin G3X Touchscreens complemented by a Garmin G5 in the top-center for added backup. “A Garmin GMC 507 Auto-Pilot System, part of the Premium Package, adds to the aircraft’s allure,” said Confessor. “An IFR version features the Garmin GTN 750Xi (GPS/NAV/COMM/MFD).”

Montaer recently established a permanent presence at DeLand Municipal Airport, Florida, to provide personalized support and training to U.S. customers.

For more information: Montaer in the USA is based in DeLand, Florida; contact Confesor via email or call 321-430-2376.

Montaer Aeronaves MC-04

all information provided by the importer

  • Powerplant — Turbocharged Rotax 916iS 160 horsepower
  • Propeller — In-Flight Variable Pitch / Constant Speed
  • Range — 800 nautical miles
  • Cruising Speed — 132 knots
  • Stall Speed (best flaps) — 49 knots
  • Stall Speed (clean) —  53 knots
  • Rate of Climb— 1,300 feet per minute
  • Takeoff Distance (Land) — 600 feet
  • Seating — 1 to 4
  • Length — 23 feet
  • Wing Span — 32 feet
  • Height — 7.8 feet
  • Empty Weight — 1,130 pounds
  • Maximum Takeoff Weight — 2,198 pounds
  • Useful Load — 1,068 pounds
  • Fuel Capacity — 42 gallons (252 pounds)
  • Baggage Capacity — 90 pounds

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Texas Aircraft Manufacturing, Inpaer Collaborate to Introduce Stallion S-LSA https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/texas-aircraft-manufacturing-inpaer-collaborate-to-introduce-stallion-slsa Wed, 19 Jul 2023 11:44:59 +0000 https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/?p=627836 Texas Aircraft Manufacturing, in collaboration with sister company Inpaer in Brazil, has announced the introduction of the Stallion S-LSA, a four-place aircraft that combines light sport performance and efficiency with...

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Texas Aircraft Manufacturing, in collaboration with sister company Inpaer in Brazil, has announced the introduction of the Stallion S-LSA, a four-place aircraft that combines light sport performance and efficiency with enhanced capabilities for the general aviation and flight training markets. 

The Stallion S-LSA would be the Hondo, Texas-based company’s inaugural aircraft to receive approval under the FAA’s proposed LSA 2023 regulations.

The first prototype of the Stallion S-LSA was constructed at the Inpaer facility in Campinas outside of Sao Paulo. It is presently undergoing flight testing to gather data for the finalization of its design and eventual certification—hopefully—under the FAA’s new LSA 2023 S-LSA framework. 

“While we await the FAA’s decision on the LSA 2023 requirements, the Stallion is already in the ASTM approval process in Brazil. We anticipate commencing the same process in the United States in early 2024,” said Kyle Braga, Texas Aircraft’s North American sales representative. “Our plan is to showcase the Stallion at next year’s Sun ‘n Fun event in Lakeland, Florida.”

In acknowledgment of the contributions of chief designer Caio Jordão, Braga said, “his guidance has been instrumental in bringing the all-new Stallion to fruition.”

The Texas Aircraft Stallion S-LSA offers the following preliminary specifications:

  • Four-place, S-LSA
  • 200 hp Lycoming IO-360 engine
  • Extra-wide doors for easy passenger access
  • Welded Chromoly safety cell
  • All aviation-grade aluminum airframe
  • Maximum cruise speed: 135 knots*
  • Best economy cruise speed: 120 knots*
  • Stall speed clean: 58 knots*
  • Stall speed full flaps: 52 knots*
  • Maximum range: 1,144 nm at best economy cruise*

*Note: All specifications are preliminary and subject to change.

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