judgment Archives - Plane & Pilot Magazine https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/tag/judgment/ The Excitement of Personal Aviation & Private Ownership Wed, 20 Mar 2024 12:46:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 Flying in the Rough https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/flying-in-the-rough Wed, 20 Mar 2024 12:46:27 +0000 https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/?p=630616 No one likes flying in turbulent air. It’s an annoyance to the pilot, requiring constant attention at the controls, and a concern for passengers, tossing to and fro in their...

The post Flying in the Rough appeared first on Plane & Pilot Magazine.

No one likes flying in turbulent air. It’s an annoyance to the pilot, requiring constant attention at the controls, and a concern for passengers, tossing to and fro in their strapped-in seats and beginning to debate the wisdom of air travel. As much as possible, avoidance of turbulence should be the goal, rather than stoic endurance.

In my days as a purveyor of air taxi services, our sales brochure stated the company’s philosophy as “Safety, Comfort, Speed,” ranking a smooth, uneventful flight right behind the primary objective of a safe arrival. We tried our best to avoid turbulent air—dozing passengers meant we were meeting our goal. The rare occasions of inescapable bouncing risked an onset of mal de l’air and redecoration of the cabin interior.

Staying in the smooth starts with timing the trip to evade rough air. Related to such scheduling is a knowledge of turbulence’s origins, so you can better understand the best time to fly. Air in motion can be generated thermally, orographically, and by frontal activity.

Thermal turbulence will make its daily arrival as the sun angle increases, heating up the Earth’s surface in an uneven manner to generate rising air currents in some places, while subsiding in others. We can expect rough air by midday and can perhaps avoid it by climbing higher initially, but it will reach inconvenient levels as the day wears on.

Orographic turbulence is influenced by terrain, particularly if the wind flows across a perpendicular ridgeline. The greater the wind speed, the more energetic the turbulence will be. Thermals can also form on the sun-facing slopes. Smart mountain pilots know to conclude their flying by late morning before the winds pick up and undulations form in the stream of moving air. The analogy of mountain turbulence is akin to water flowing down a rocky stream, creating white-water rapids.

Convective weather in an air mass, particularly in frontal zones, doesn’t need to be in the form of full-blown thunderstorms to generate turbulence. Building cumulus is an indicator of energy waiting to roughen up one’s flight, most likely below the cloud base but also inside clouds if you’re in “popeye” IFR conditions, flying in and out of Cu. If there are tall, cotton-ball-shaped clouds, you can expect up and down currents of air to complicate your life.

Unfortunately, passengers frequently want to head for home in the heat of the afternoon, having concluded the morning’s business (or visiting) and eaten lunch on the company dime (or grandma’s table). Unless you can defer departure until the cooling of evening begins, expect upsetting conditions. Pilots, occupied with flight duties, can withstand the continuous pounding, but back-seaters with nothing to do but endure will find it a trial.

Unless you can defer departure until the cooling of evening begins, expect upsetting conditions. [Photo: Adobe Stock]

Soften the Blows

I’ve found that manual flying, keeping hands and feet clamped to the controls, can deflect some of the minor jolts, sort of like a human yaw damper. Rather than leave the rudder pedals to flail unrestrained, hold them in neutral to prevent “dutch roll” from yaw/roll coupling. Similarly, keep the ailerons and elevator from moving or with a light response to tame minor jolts, which will usually smooth out the ride.

Changing altitudes, usually for a higher one, is a normal response to alleviate a rough ride. If the problem is obvious, evidenced by a cumulus cloud array with flat bottoms and cauliflower tops, you can bet on a smooth ride above the level of the bases. That, of course, presumes you can stay clear of the energetic puffballs, which are rising and writhing on top of the updraft feeding their appetite. Building cumulus has the ability to outclimb a light aircraft, invariably topping out at an altitude exactly wrong for the direction of flight, as determined by FAR 91.159’s hemispheric rule.

Heading down, on the other hand, to stay 500 feet or more below the cloud bases simplifies navigation and improves flight visibility but at the price of unrelenting turbulence. Pulling some power off to slow down may improve the ride or at least alter the intensity of the jolts. It’s a necessity if you’ve allowed the needle to creep up into the yellow arc on the airspeed indicator, which denotes “smooth air only” in accordance with certification standards.

If It’s Really Rough

Slowing to the pilot operating handbook’s maneuvering speed (VA) is a popular recommendation for handling turbulence, as it assures the airplane’s structure will not fail if a severe gust is encountered because a stall occurs before reaching the certification G-force limit. As the name implies, maneuvering speed is designed to protect the aircraft from the pilot’s overzealous use of the flight controls, not rough air, although it certainly provides a margin of safety in severe conditions. At light weights, however, handling may be compromised by the narrow margin of speed between VA and VS.

In extreme turbulence, extending retractable landing gear adds stability and limits speed buildup if control is lost. Just don’t forget that power has to be added to maintain altitude with all the extra drag the gear generates. If in such very rough air, inform ATC that you’re going to need a “block” of altitudes, such as 1,000 feet above and below your assigned level, because you’re unable to maintain level flight without overstressing the airplane. Don’t try to hold an altitude if you are struggling to keep the aircraft right side up. Just aim to fly a level attitude and ride out the turbulence.

Assure the passengers that, bumps and jolts to the contrary, the aircraft can handle much more turbulence than its occupants. Hearing the pilot use phrases like “no problem,” “this is normal,” and “should be getting better soon” helps calm their fears that the wings are about to fall off. Staying silent and staring intently only confirms thoughts that the flight must be in trouble.

Stay away from mature thunderstorms by at least 20 miles. [Photo: Adobe Stock]

When it comes to storm turbulence, avoidance is the key. Stay away from mature thunderstorms by at least 20 miles, bearing in mind that movement of the storm must be taken into account. Heading for open skies behind the storm, as in upwind of its path, is the best policy, minimizing the amount of deviation needed. When considering going through a line of storms, stay aware of continuing development. You don’t want to be caught in a trap of expanding storms on all sides.

The best policy during thunderstorm season is flexibility. Wait out the storms on the ground before departing, and don’t be afraid to deviate to an alternate along your route. Few passengers will complain about the inconvenience of an interrupted trip after having looked out the window at an angry, dark sky and feeling a few blasts of its fury. Even nonflyers can understand that airplanes don’t belong in that environment.

Respect the Wind in the Hills

Mountain turbulence is tied to the winds at ridge level. Calm air down in the valley doesn’t necessarily equate to a smooth ride through the pass. Anything more than 15 knots aloft is definitely a no-go. Take advantage of light winds early in the morning to cross the hills and reach nonmountainous terrain before the midday increase in low-level wind. If paralleling a mountain chain, stay on the side of the valley that is farthest downstream from the wind flow over the ridge. Downdrafts in excess of climb ability may exist on the upwind side, next to the higher terrain, where the wind spills over the high ground and a path of rising air can be found on the opposite side of the valley.

Crossing a ridge while fighting turbulent air requires an extra cushion of altitude, which may avoid the worst of the roughness and give room to escape if you encounter sinking air. Setting up a 45-degree angle for the ridge crossing, instead of meeting it head-on, gives you a 90-degree turn to an escape path instead of a 180-degree turn that might take too long to complete.

Never be ashamed to call it quits or even invent a need to make a pit stop, if the air is just too rough for your passengers—or you. Flying in smooth air, I’ve found, increases cruise speed by at least 5 knots, compared to wallowing along in turbulence. Taking a break freshens up one’s endurance level.

Riding it out is sometimes the only option, but knowing where turbulence comes from and how to minimize its effects can go a long way to enjoying the trip.

Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared in the October 2023 issue of Plane & Pilot magazine. 

The post Flying in the Rough appeared first on Plane & Pilot Magazine.

Scrubbing the Flight https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/scrubbing-the-flight Mon, 11 Mar 2024 14:00:47 +0000 https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/?p=630459 Bad decisions are part of life. In every field, many have made some excruciatingly poor decisions. Our regrets to the publishers who turned down the Harry Potter franchise. And how...

The post Scrubbing the Flight appeared first on Plane & Pilot Magazine.

Bad decisions are part of life. In every field, many have made some excruciatingly poor decisions. Our regrets to the publishers who turned down the Harry Potter franchise. And how about the actors that had a chance to be in one of the most popular and profitable movie franchises, Star Wars? Definitely, a dog day afternoon turning that down. Live and learn.

Unfortunately, in the world of aviation, bad decisions can be more than a mere inconvenience or life lesson. In fact, they can be the last poor decision you ever make.

How do we protect ourselves from bad aeronautical decision-making (ADM)? One way is to learn from others’ mistakes. Have you ever read an NTSB aviation accident report and thought, “I would never do that! I would never get in that kind of a situation.” Well, it’s likely that the subject of that accident report also said those very words.

ADM begins well before the wheels leave the ground. In fact, the decision-making to scrub a flight should start the moment you roll out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. Yep, the go/no-go decision process begins before the flush of the toilet.

[Photo: Adobe Images]

Ask yourself how you’re feeling. Did you get enough sleep? Remember that fatigue results in symptoms similar to being inebriated. Few aviators walking the face of this planet would think about drinking and flying. Statistics prove that, yet they also prove that there have been more than a few accidents with fatigue contributing to the accident sequence. 

And speaking of inebriation, let’s not forget the eight-hour rule “from bottle to throttle.” That well-known saying uses a standard timeline for pilots to refrain from alcohol if they have a flight in the coming hours. However, many experts agree that for some individuals, eight hours is not enough to rid your system of the ill effects of alcohol. Your weight and what you’ve eaten will generally dictate your tolerance to its harsh effects. While an eight-hour period might be enough to pilot an aircraft safely, many of you might need considerably more time between bottle and throttle, even if you are considered “legal” in the eyes of FAR 91.17 and the law.

In addition, excessive consumption of alcohol the night before a flight may cause a severe hangover for your planned next-day sortie. You might have fun on the dance floor with the lampshade on your head, but remember, they make movies about hangovers. Throwing caution to the wind and scrubbing your flight because of an excruciating hangover might be as good of a decision as you will make. Good advice? Scrub the flight, take two acetaminophen, and call me in the morning.

How about your stress level? Did a significant event recently happen that is weighing heavily on your mind? Job issues? Family health issues? Spouse/partner trouble? These can negatively impact your judgment and might be a good reason to make that “no-go” decision and fly another day instead.

In addition to the negative stressors, major positive life events can also affect judgment. These can include starting a new job, welcoming a newborn into your family, getting married, and even buying a home.

The fact is that any significant life event, whether positive or negative, can make it difficult to concentrate and can ultimately compromise the safety of your flight. If you feel overwhelmed, it’s probably a good indicator for you to make that “no-go” decision.

Also, take a quick inventory of the medication you are taking. Did you take anything that could affect your thought process and decision-making? Let’s not forget about herbal supplements as well. And something as innocuous as over-the-counter cold medication could put your head in a tailspin. Be prudent and cautious with your medicines. Err on the side of caution.

Once you have passed the IMSAFE checklist (below), it simply means that you are physically and emotionally fit to fly. It does not mean that you are immune from bad decisions. Several influences can tempt you to ignore your personal minimums leading up to a flight.

[Photo: Adobe Images]

Peer pressure is undoubtedly near the top of the list. Whether the perception of other pilots negatively influences you or you want your passengers to be in awe of your piloting skills, sometimes you have to say no.

Peer pressure also contributes to another “malady” that can lead to your day in the sky ending badly. “Get-home-itis” is a well-known condition in aviation circles that contributes to preventable accidents. It is the overwhelming desire to depart when other conditions—such as bad weather, maintenance issues, or failing any of the IMSAFE checklist items—dictate that it’s best to wait until later to fly. Get-home-itis usually is preceded by self-induced or passenger-related pressures to get home. You have likely read NTSB accident reports where the probable cause may not directly state “get-home-itis.” Still, the report makes evident to the casual observer that poor pilot judgment, combined with the crushing desire to get home, resulted in the often serious or fatal accident. While you may survive a singular bout of this condition, there’s no guarantee, and the statistics work against you if it becomes a recurring theme in your decision-making process.

So, how can you avoid falling into this potentially fatal trap? After all, you wouldn’t intentionally make a decision that would jeopardize your safety or that of your passengers.

Our most significant safeguard to prevent these irreparable mistakes is to acknowledge—and remain conscious of—the fact that we are susceptible and vulnerable to the flaws of human nature. It sounds simple enough, but we all know that admitting your faults—especially every time they arise—is easier said than done. The FAA recognizes five hazardous attitudes for pilots: anti-authority, impulsivity, invulnerability, macho, and resignation. Regardless of your social status, intelligence, or general goodness as a human being, you can exhibit one or more of these attitudes for a moment in time—and, unfortunately, that is all it takes to make an irreversible mistake. We all must recognize our potential to adopt these attitudes and consciously try to avoid or mitigate the associated risks.

In the end, a good rule is to recognize that a decision to scrub a flight, extend your pattern, hold over that fix for another circuit, or say something doesn’t feel right and return to the hangar is the best alternative to making that one irreversible bad decision. There are no do-overs. Learn from others, avoid becoming the statistic others read about, and say, “It won’t happen to me.” For some, statistically speaking, it will happen to them. Don’t let it be you.

As pilots, we face several challenges in our quest to enjoy our world of aviation. We’ve made a significant financial investment and  put in considerable time and effort to become FAA certificate holders. You could have all the piloting talent of a Top Gun fighter pilot, but if you are lax in your decision-making, your destiny is that of a statistic in the worst possible sense of that word. While most of us are born with good judgment and the ability to make sound decisions, we all could use a little reminder and remedial training on what it takes to make good decisions.

It’s also wise to remember that while you may think you fly the airplane with your hands, you mostly fly it with your head. Make good use of your mind and excellent decision-making ability, and live to fly another day.

Windsock with cloudy sky background. Wind southwest. [Photo: Adobe Images]

Whether it’s bad ADM or some other culprit, what if you find yourself aloft and realize you are now in a dangerous situation? This results from a chain of events that typically precipitates the terror that comes once you find yourself in the unenviable position of danger in an airplane. And while the steps leading up to that point in time might have taken a while to develop, in a moment you realize the seriousness of your predicament, and your reaction is called the “startle effect.”

The startle effect occurs as a first response to something unexpected that triggers involuntary physiological reflexes. Sweaty palms, increased heart rate, and muscle tension are some of the few physical characteristics of someone experiencing it. Decision-making and the inability to quickly assess the situation will likely be affected. Luckily, the startle effect typically lasts less than a second or two, at which point the return to cognitive thinking and the subsiding of the condition allows for assessment of the situation.

While you may be a victim of this circumstance, you would most likely experience the psychology of surprise during any life-threatening airborne emergency, regardless of how it develops, whether because of a bad decision to take flight or something beyond your control, such as an engine failure from a catastrophic component malfunction. This occurs when the variance between your expectation and what presents itself occurs.

Sometimes the surprise supersedes the startle effect. And, sometimes, they go hand in hand. Examples of this would be an engine failure on takeoff or a sudden foray of a VFR pilot into IFR conditions. The effects are similar to the startle effect.

But how can the startle effect lead back to good ADM? Several factors contribute to it, including fatigue, stress, distractions, and other things you will find on the IMSAFE list. Therefore, reviewing this checklist before every flight will help assure any situation resulting in the startle effect during your journey will be handled to the best of your ability and capability, minimizing the risk inherent in startle and surprise.

As certificated pilots, you should conduct your flights to mitigate risk and allow for the safety and well-being of you and your passengers, as well as those on the ground.

Save this article, and put it under your pillow at night. Do whatever it takes to make your skies safe, and live to fly another day.

The FAA’s “IMSAFE” Checklist

Illness: Are you sick or feeling sick?

Medications: Have you taken any medications that could affect your thought process and decision-making? This could be something as simple as over-the-counter cold medication.

Stress: Are you under any undue stress, whether positive or negative? Family, financial, and spouse/partner issues are common stress inducers. Stress is known to affect judgment negatively.

Alcohol: Even though the eight-hour rule “from bottle to throttle” is well known, many experts agree that for some individuals eight hours is not enough to rid your system of the ill effects of alcohol. United Airlines now requires its pilots to refrain from drinking alcohol for at least 12 hours before reporting for duty.

Fatigue: Have you had enough sleep and nutrition? This is something you’ll need to reevaluate during your preflight. We are all individuals, so six hours of sleep and a Big Mac are sufficient for some of us to get through the day. For others, 10 hours and a well-balanced meal fit the bill. Whatever it is for you, ensure you are well rested, fully nourished, and ready for flight.

Emotion: Have you experienced any emotional, upsetting events preceding your planned flight? Are you dealing with the severe illness of a family member? Did you have to spend a day in court? Did you get into a shouting match with the neighbor? Were you on the receiving end of road rage? All these factors can harm your emotional health and, in turn, produce additional stress. As noted above, this is a vicious circle that certainly could affect your readiness to fly.

Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared in the September 2023 issue of Plane & Pilot magazine.

The post Scrubbing the Flight appeared first on Plane & Pilot Magazine.
